Saturday 30 June 2012

Marmarati Secret Community Challenges

The Marmite spread, which always generates much buzz around itself, is announcing a new push revolving around its secret community, Marmarati. The secret society, which has been launched to support the release of Marmite XO, the brand’s extra strong version, and has been running in beta for some time, is gaining momentum.

The new online hub, which has been created by We Are Social, invites consumers to undertake a range of challenges, which will help to demonstrate how true their love for the ‘Noir Elixir’ is.

With the full-version release of the community, the brand wants to double the number of members, inviting another 300 fans. The users can undertake one of the four challenges (or all of them) revolving around photography, art, cooking and crafts with the Marmite element—another four to arrive soon. Each of the challenges is illustrated by dedicated ironic spots featuring a serious and a bit gloomy man, who comments the idea of the task.
Have a look at the challenges.
Marmarati Challenge 1: Photography 

Marmarati Challenge 2: Crafts 

Marmarati Challenge 3: Art 

Marmarati Challenge 4: Cooking 

They are kind of focused on the niche market - Marmite lovers. Will be interesting to find out if it attracts +300 new fans!

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